Workshop dedicated to animation processes, open to the public of all ages..
From Friday 3 to Sunday 5
10:30 to 14:00 and 15:00 to 20:00
On Friday the 3rd, from 10:30 to 16:15, this space will be used exclusively for workshops for schools and institutes.
Space dedicated to the creative processes of COMIC, both in the narrative and in the creation and design of characters.
It consists of two activities that will alternate throughout the days of the exhibition and are accessible and open to the public of all ages.
Friday, May 3rd
19.00h - 20.00h Tomás Hijo
Saturday, May 4th
11.00h - 12.00h Tomás Hijo
13.00h - 14.00h Antonio Runa
16.00h - 18.00h Tomás Hijo
Saturday, May 4th
12.00h - 13.00h Antonio Runa
16.00h - 17.00h Tomás Hijo
17.00h - 18.00h Antonio Runa
Friday, May 3rd
18.30h - 19.30h Sandra Uve
Saturday, May 4th
12.30h - 13.30h Tomás Hijo
13.30h - 14.30h Jagoba Lekuona
17.30h - 18.30h Alicia de Andrés
18.30h - 19.30h Daniel Jimbert
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