The Comic PRO program is the space for networking, thought, action and opportunities for the sector that takes place within the framework of Comic Barcelona. Comic PRO aims to connect the Spanish comic industry with renowned publishers and international agents to showcase our talents and create business opportunities for the participants.
This program is divided into three axes:
This initiative, organized by the Comic Book Authors Collective with the support of FICOMIC, was created with the aim of addressing issues of interest to comic book professionals: publishing, printing, copyrights, contracts, how to present projects to publishers, the process of making a comic book from the beginning to printing, round tables between Spanish and foreign publishers…
For publishers:
An initiative where exhibiting Spanish publishers and invited international publishers are able to meet this year to present and negotiate the rights to their works.
For authors:
This edition will also be open to Spanish authors with authority to negotiate the IP rights of their published works.
Coming soon
Are you an author looking for a publisher? Get a match at Comic PRO! In this space we give authors the opportunity to get in touch with national or foreign publishers and show their portfolios.
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