4-5-6 APRIL 2025

42 Comic Barcelona Awards

The Comic Barcelona Awards are chosen by Spanish comic professionals. Their aim is to promote and recognize our comic authors while supporting the work of publishers committed to their work. These awards also show the richness and diversity of comic books published in Spain. There is also space for children's and young adult comics and fanzines. In short, the objective of the awards is to honor the best comic books that have been published in Spain over the last year.

Bases premios 42CB - 2024

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Comic professionals will propose up to a maximum of five works published in Spain for the following awards:

  • Best Work by a Spanish Author
  • Miguel Gallardo Award for Best New Author
  • Best Foreign Author's Work
  • Best Fanzine
  • Best Children's and Young Adult Comic

For the Comic Barcelona Grand Prize, in the first phase, comic professionals will be allowed to propose up to three comic authors (scriptwriter, cartoonist or colorist).

In the second phase, the jury will evaluate the entries, but they may add more in case it is deemed necessary for the final deliberation in order to fulfill the authorial requirements. The jury will choose the winning comic author for this award and the rest of the categories.


Once again, you are invited to participate in the Popular Vote Award to choose the best comic book published in Spain in 2023 and 2024, whether by a national or foreign author. The vote will only be valid if the Legal Deposit of the work corresponds to 2023 or 2024. This award has no economic endowment.

Organitzat per:

Comic Barcelona

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08009 Barcelona (Spain)

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